金融硕士 MS in Finance
一般来说,申请美国Top20的学校硬件建议尽量达到:GPA:3.5+ ,TOEFL:100+ ,GRE:320+3以上。在软性条件方面,计算机专业本身并不容易有很丰富的研究经历,尤其是对于研究生而言,这就需要通过自己的科研、实习经历,积极与教授沟通,参与到实验项目,如果能发表论文,或者是拥有著名公司的实习经历,那么录取成功的几率会大很多。

2021最新排名 | 大学中文名 | 大学英文名 | program | college |
1 | 普林斯顿大学 | Princeton University | Master of Finance | Bendheim Center for Finance |
3 | 哥伦比亚大学 | Columbia University | Master of Science in Financial Economics | Columbia Business School |
4 | 麻省理工学院 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Master of Finance | MIT Sloan School of Management |
9 | 约翰霍普金斯大学 | Johns Hopkins University | MS in Finance | Carey Business School |
14 | 范德堡大学 | Vanderbilt University | MS in Finance | Owen Graduate School of Management |
16 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | Washington University in St. Louis | Master of Science in Finance | Olin Business School |
24 | 南加州大学 | University of Southern California | Master of Science in Finance | USCMarshall Schoolf of Business |
26 | 弗吉尼亚大学 | University of Virginia | Master of Science in Commerce - Finance track | McIntire School of Commerce |
34 | 罗切斯特大学 | University of Rochester | MS in Finance | Simon Business School |
35 | 加州大学尔湾分校 | University of California--Irvine | Master of Finance | UCI Paul Merage School of Business |
35 | 波士顿学院 | Boston College | MS in Finance | Carroll School of Management |
35 | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 | University of California--San Diego | Master of Finance | Rady School of Management |
41 | 杜兰大学 | Tulane University | Master of Finance | Freeman school of Business |
42 | 布兰迪斯大学 | Brandeis University | MS in Finance | Brandeis University International Business School |
42 | 布兰迪斯大学 | Brandeis University | MA in International Economics and Finance | |
42 | 凯斯西储大学 | Case Western Reserve University | Master of Science in Management (MSM)-Finance | Weatherhead School of Management |
42 | 德州大学奥斯汀分校 | University of Texas--Austin | MS in Finance | UT Austin McCombs School of Business |
47 | 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Master of Science in Finance | Gies College of Business |
49 | 东北大学 | Northeastern University | Master of Finance | Damore-mckim school of business |
49 | 理海大学 | Lehigh University | MS in Financial Engineering | College of Business and Economics |
49 | 佩珀代因大学 | Pepperdine University | Master of Sciecne in Applied Finance | Graziadio Business School |
53 | 维拉诺瓦大学 | Villanova University | Master of Science in Finance | Villanova School of Business |
53 | 俄亥俄州立大学 | Ohio State University--Columbus | Specialized Master in Finance | Fisher College of Business |
53 | 普渡大学 | Purdue University--West Lafayette | Master of Finance | Krannert School of Management |
58 | 雪城大学 | Syracuse University | MS in Finance | Whitman School of Management |
58 | 马里兰大学帕克分校 | University of Maryland -- College Park | MS in Finance | Robert H.Smith School of Business |
58 | 佛罗里达州立大学 | Florida State University | MS in Finance | FSU College of Business |
63 | 罗格斯大学 | Rutgers University--New Brunswick | Master of Financial Analysis | Rutgers Business School |
66 | 乔治华盛顿大学 | George Washington University | MS in Finance | GW School of Business |
66 | 明尼苏达大学双城分校 | University of Minnesota--Twin Cities | MS in Finance | Carlson School of Management |
66 | 福特汉姆大学 | Fordham University | MS in Global Finance | Gabelli School of Business |
66 | 德州农工大学 | Texas A&M University--College Station | MS in Finance | Mays Business School |
66 | 乔治华盛顿大学 | George Washington University | MS in Finance-China Program | |
66 | 南卫理公会大学 | Southern Methodist University | MS in Finance | COX School of Business |
76 | 美利坚大学 | American University | MS in Finance | Kogod School of Business |
80 | 史蒂文森理工学院 | Stevens Institute of Technology | MS in Finance | Stevens School of Business |
103 | 克拉克大学 | Clark University | MS in Finance | Graduate School of Management |